
Ostatnio przeglądając Youtube'a i natknąłem się na filmik dotyczący gazety z krypty czasu. Mówi o tym, że wydarzenia z roku 2024 wydarzyły się szybciej, niż powinny. Ale jak każda teoria są w niej błędy.

After an epic street battle with the Reverse-Flash, our city's very own Scarlet Speedster disappeared in an explosion of light. The cause of the fight is currently unknown. According to witnesses, The Flash, with help from Starling City's Green Arrow, The Atom, and Hawkgirl, began fighting the Reverse-Flash around midnight last night. The sky took on a deep crimson color as the ensuing battle created the most destruction this city has seen since The Flash first arrived in Central City.

Several trucks were caught in the fray, spilling their contents into the street. Power outages swept nearly 20 city blocks, between 16th Street and Adams Avenue. Five of those blocks still remain without power. All of the buildings in the area were evacuated by the CCPD, with additional help from The Atom. According to reports, The Flash and Reverse-Flash battled with each other between two overturned tanker trucks, the lightning eminating from the speedsters threatened to ignite spilled oil leaking from one of the trucks. The smoke from the truck's engines made it difficult to see; First it appeared at one point they were having a very heated conversation before continuing the fight. Then the Flash sped after the Reverse-Flash, and the two vanished, leaving The Atom, Green Arrow, and Hawkgirl behind.

An eyewitness who saw the battle from her apartment building before being evacuated said, "It was hard to see, but The Flash and Reverse-Flash were zipping up and down [??] Avenue and then there was a whole bunch of lightning and then nothing. It was weird."

Other witnesses describe a similar phenomenon; a blinding light followed by darkness when the sky returned to black. And as the?, it took only a moment to realize The Flash and the Reverse-Flash were gone without a trace.

Central City Police Chief, Joe West, held a press conference in the wee hours of [morning?] stating, "We don't have very many clues now. What we do know is tonight Central City's greatest protector vanished in a flash. We can only hope he returns just as quickly, a sentiment shared by all who call this great

Gazeta z przyszłości, Iris West

Nawiązania gazety do wydarzeń w sezonie 3.

Zgadza się w pewnych momentach ale nie co do tego, że z Flashem byli Zielona Strzała Hawkgirl i Atom. Nie był to też pojedynek pomiędzy Eobardem Thawnem, a zespołem bohaterów. Prawdą jest to, że ciężarówki latały po ulicach, pioruny waliły po mieście, a na koniec bohater zniknął w eksplozji światła.

Był jeszcze jeden nagłówek, na którym było napisane Red skies vanishies. Może to być odniesieniem do nieba, z którego pioruny waliły w ziemię. Błyskawice miały kolor czerwony, niebieski i żółty. Sądzę, że był to celowy zabieg twórców, który może być powtórzony w późniejszych częściach.
